Tuesday, November 30, 2010

singing for good cause

This rhyming poem, which I made it my own

sing a song
ding a dong

you will be 1 among
you will be strong

post a blog
it will be long

if you don't
you will be wrong

another song that I made up my self:

Rosey want to go-- to My 
Susey's house 
to-- get cosey
with her friend lucy 

please comment this

Now Vybhav poem

my aunt came back from planet candy
and she brought with her a candy that can grow plants

my aunt came back from ice-age land
and she brought with her a Tiger and Lion

my aunt came back from power-ranger world
and she brought with her two power rangers 
the color of the rangers were red & blue
red is me and blue is Leslie!!

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