Saturday, December 4, 2010

Vasco Da Gama : Sea-route to India - Explorer

I chosen Vasco da gama, because he is the first succesful explorer who found the spices land Indies (India). And India is my birth country.

Early Life
In 1460, Vasco Da Gama born in city of Sines , Portugal. His father name Estevao Da Gama and his mother is from England origin, her name is Dona Isabel Sodre

Education:Henry navigation school

His learnings are swimming, Astronomy, Geography, Navigation and mathematics. At the age of 19 years he became Navy captain, King of Portugal John II sent him to the port of setubal of Lisbon to seize French ships. This task was perfromed rapidly and effectively. He was successful in controling pirates happening on Portugal ships.

On June 8th 1497 at Lisbon port the first Voyage began with great sendoff from Portugal people. In this Da Gama travelled in the Diaz route St. Helana bay, Cape of Good Hope ( Cape of Stroms), Da Gama stopped for 3 weeks at this place due to stroms, Natal, at Mosambique onwards UNKNOWN route he tried to get a poilet who can show the route to India, but no luck, Mambasa, at Malindi Sultan agreed to give the poilet from there it is easy to explore the sea-route. Finally, Da Gama reached Calicut on May 20th 1498, which is the real spices land Indies. From there he collected spices and valuable tresures. From Calicut Da Gama travelled to Goa as the last destination.

King Emanule I given a grand welcome to Vasco Da Gama. There were 170 men with Da Gama for his Voyage but only 54 men return back. Lot of people died before the Sucess of Voyage due to the Scurvy. The Scurvy is a disease, which comes due to difficiency of Vitamin C.
After return from the first voyage Vasco Da Gama was sick so could not start his second voyage immediately. The second voyage started in 1502 this time he took revange on Muslim traders, he went with huge army, guns, bumbs with 18 ships. he made Muslims fear to come to sea, because he killed many fishermen, innocent pilligrims who were returning from the holy Macca.

In Potuges-India(the parts of India conquired by Portuges) not under control, So, the King John III of Portugal called Vasco da Gama for control. This way the third voyage started at 1524. he reached India in Aug 1524. Da Gama had started his plans implementation but he unfortunately died after 3 months on 24 th Dec 1524 at India.

Later Life
Da Gama after his second voyage taking relaxing, retired from seas in the year 1519.
Type of Person

I think he is brave, dare and dashing heroic person because he saved the Ships of Portugal from French pirates.

He is determined because he goal is to reach spices land Indies, there were many rejections from Muslim rulers. Even though he is didnot giveup, still continue the voyage.
He is cruiel, because he killed many Hindus, Muslims on his second voyage. He was standing for 4 days to see the buringing of 232 Musilims in closed vessel. He didn't shown mercy on women and children too.

He is religious, because he spreaded christianity on his way whereever he took halt he placed a cross on top Pardos in his first voyage. At Malindi (Kenya) still this Vasco da Gama pillar exists at the sea shore.

I chose the new title for my project explorer as "VASCO DA GAMA : Sea-route explorer to India", why because he is the first person who found the sea-route to Inda. Before him there was no one else found the sea-route from Europe.

New words & Definitions
pirates: In the 14, 15 centuries there was wars between countries for Ships which are coming from overseas attacked and all the valuable things are captured, French pirates were troubled Portugal, Spain Ships.

Admiral of Indian seas: This is more powerful postion than Navi commander. This post is given to Da Gama for his second voyage.

Viceroy: Vice of King, This is the next postion, greatest oppurtunity which is honoured to Da Gama for his third Voyage.

Parados : Vasco Da Gama pillars which are having Chistian cross on top of them.

1. Title of book/Article: Da Gama
Author: Robin S Doak
2. Title of book/article: Vasco Da Gama
Author: Tanya Larkin
3. Title of book/article: Around the World in a hundred years from Henry the Navigator to Magellan
Author : Jean Fritz Illustrated by ANTHONY BACON VENTI

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