Thursday, November 24, 2011

Social Studies :A Poem

Learning Government
Civil Wars and important laws
The Government branches
Legislative executive, judicial
and also about Presidents

Adventures of Explorers
Cruelty of Invaders
Danger of Pirates
Innocence of Natives

Social Studies is so Fun
because we learned
What happened in the olden years!
When or How the people dress up?
What food they eat?
What kind of crops do they grow?
Do they have fruits? etc.,

Sometimes we do project works, diorama
I've chose First Indian explorer
All this is joy, because we have work to do
And I love work like a play

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The jingle bells in recorder

The lyrics of recorder we learned from Ms May.

BBB-   BBB -


I will upload my video session
n o w. . .

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Math: My poem

Fraction operation
math concentration!

if you learn math
you're on right the path.

guess and estimation
you can do right action

addition and subraction.
division and multiplication

joy of the table edition.
minimum and maximum

mode and mean 
range and median

decimals and place value
and amazing exponents

excited in solve problems
math has so much to do... :)

A poem on Science

Science is my favorite
always experimenting
we learn all kinds of things.

rocks and minerals,
plants,trees ,and flowers,

may be even bugs
crazy ex-Caterpillars

super fun experimenting with
shadows and sun too

also human body, senses
feel, see, smell, and hear

we may also do fun projects 
about all these learning.

sometimes we watch videos 
and DVDS according to science 

science is incredible fun because
we have so much to do....